
Automotive emergency start power can not start what are the factors?

We should all know that the car emergency start power battery capacity test, are done by a constant current constant voltage battery charge, and then to constant current discharge, the last release of how much power is the capacity of the battery. Then you know the factors that affect the car emergency start power capacity what? Here as a car emergency start power manufacturers to introduce you to:

1, discharge rate.

The capacity of lead-acid batteries decreases with the increase of discharge rate. That is to say, the larger the discharge current, the smaller the capacity of the battery is calculated. Therefore, for a given battery, it discharges at different rates and has different capacities. It is noteworthy that we must know the discharge rate or rate at discharge.mobile power plant

2, temperature. The company is located in:

    Temperature on the automotive emergency start power lead-acid battery capacity greater impact, in general, as the temperature decreases, its capacity will decline.

3, the termination voltage.

When the battery discharges to a certain voltage value, the voltage drops sharply, in fact, the energy obtained is very small, if the long-term deep discharge, the damage to the battery is quite large, so the discharge must be terminated at a certain voltage. The cut-off discharge voltage Called the discharge termination voltage, set the discharge termination voltage, to extend the battery life is significant.

4, the geometric size of the plate.

When the amount of active material is constant, the geometric area of direct contact with the electrolyte plate increases, and the battery capacity of the automobile emergency start power increases. Therefore, the influence of the plate geometry on the battery capacity can not be ignored.

The four aspects of the above description is some of the more common factors that affect the capacity of the battery

