
The difference between the metal emergency start power metal and the plastic case

The practicality of the car emergency start-up power supply and the key to the start of the car, many car owners have a understanding, the current moment of the moment, save the car in the deep water, the majority of car owners are a lot of praise, and now basically the owner will have a trip station. However, there are many types of emergency power supply for automobiles. For example, there are metal and ABS in the outer casing. Which one is better?mobile power plant
Regardless of the material, the outer casing of the power supply must meet the requirements of temperature and flame retardant. If there is a short circuit or fault inside the emergency power supply of the car, it can protect the user well.
The metal casing looks good on the surface and is completely flame retardant. However, during use, it is very likely that the metal casing is electrically conductive, causing a short circuit or burnout of the power supply, and even threatening the safety of the owner and automobile insurance.
The plastic casing is divided into a common plastic casing and ABS engineering plastic. Generally, ordinary plastics may be damaged or even melted directly when the vehicle emergency power supply is short-circuited or the high temperature is faulty, which threatens the safety of the owner. In contrast, the power supply of the ABS plastic casing is very good, and it is resistant to high and low temperatures. It also has excellent impact resistance and is fully qualified for use in emergency start-up power supplies.

