Car batteries dead electricity is a normal situation, but is not we all know how to properly charge the battery? Today, Angie car emergency start Xiaobian lead us to take a look at the battery charging precautions and the right way to charge it . Electrolyte proportion drops below 1.2; winter discharge more than 25%; summer discharge more than 50%; dim light; start weakness should be charged. Some owners believe that quick charging can save time, only 3-5 hours. In actual fact, fast charging is only to quickly activate the battery surface, but in fact the battery is not fully charged power plant
In addition to fast charging, there is a slow charging, charging time is 10-15 hours, those who have a deep deficit battery must be slow charging, or charging time is not enough, the lack of charge will directly affect the car's driving performance. Although charging is a fairly easy operation, there are some caveats:
1, to the lead-acid battery, wear protective clothing.
2, charging, the battery can not have sparks near the ban smoking.
3, when charging one or more batteries in parallel, the charger voltage should not exceed 16V.
Battery correct charging method
Today, more and more electric devices on the car, the owner of these electric devices, try not to overload the battery. Battery overload will reduce the battery life. It is important to have the correct battery charge method.
1, the positive battery positive then the positive power supply, negative battery negative then negative power supply.
2, the initial charge controversy two stages: first charge the electrolyte with the initial charge current release bubbles, cell voltage rose to 2.3 ~ 2.4V so far. Then the current is reduced to 1/2 initial charge current, continue to charge the electrolyte to release violent bubbles, compared with the voltage and voltage stability for 3h so far. All charging time is about 45 ~ 65h.
3, the charging process should always measure the electrolyte temperature with half the current, stop charging or cooling method, the temperature control at 35 ~ 40 ℃, the initial charge is completed, if the proportion of electrolyte does not meet the requirements, the application of distilled water or the proportion of 1.4 Of the electrolyte to be adjusted. Adjust and recharge 2h, until the proportion of compliance with the provisions so far.