As a car owner, driving not only to be comfortable, but also pay attention to safety. When the car leaves the factory, the manufacturer will provide some luggages, and we will also use something in the car. So what should be put on the car supplies, how to use it?
1, the spare tire is often forgotten under the luggage compartment and lack of maintenance, it is recommended that owners must regularly check the backup tires every 3 months, if necessary, but also give it inflated.
2, jack jack is an indispensable tool for changing tires, almost all of the depot will be accompanied by a car jack. Buy used car, be sure to check the jack is intact, because the original factory attached jack lightweight and easy to use.
3, truck package Each car is accompanied by a kit, which usually place some basic tools, including wrenches, screwdrivers, wheels, spoon, etc., the owners should regularly organize and check, it is best to use each time After cleaning and prolong the service life of tools.
4, the car emergency start power, the special feature is used for car power loss or other reasons can not start the car when the car can start.
5, first aid kit This is most of the driver is not equipped with truck emergency equipment. We can see in the Audi car with the original first aid kit. Boxes should be equipped with bandages, gauze, disinfectant and other emergency drugs, in case of accidents, for emergency purposes. At the same time, first aid kit should also be cleaned once every six months.
6, Insulating gloves Mainly keep hands clean when emergency maintenance and cleaning of the body, or for heat insulation when you want to open the hood or tank cover. It is best to use insulated gloves to avoid electric shock when dealing with electrical problems.
7, distilled water tank should be about 1 liter of distilled water, but please note: ordinary water or mineral water can not be used as a battery of water.
8, small fire extinguishers Hyundai in the event of an accident, there have been few fires, but this does not mean that impossible, so a light extinguishing tube can save lives at any time.
9, car tire leak inhibitor can be punctured after the puncture of the tire to play a leak-proof function, eliminating the need to immediately change tires annoying brain. As long as the leak into the car, it will form a layer of protective film in the inner wall of the tire, puncture can also maintain a period of travel time, enough for us to drive to the nearby repair center to repair the tire.
10, the original car manual The long-term manual placed in the car's benefits is a clear understanding of the car's condition, when the car problems, they can immediately find out the reason from the manual. Because each car has a different design, even a skilled car mechanic must refer to the manual to figure out the structure of the car, so the car maintenance manual must be left in the car. However, such an important car manual, but it is something forgotten by the owners. Especially in the buy used cars often forget to ask the previous owner for the manual, if not, you can ask the seller on behalf of the dealer replenishment.